A new study shows [that] people who underwent meditation training produced more antibodies to a flu vaccine than people who did not meditate. Those who took part in the meditation study also showed signs of increased activity in areas of the brain related to positive emotion, as compared to people who did not meditate.

A new study shows [that] people who underwent meditation training produced more antibodies to a flu vaccine than people who did not meditate. Those who took part in the meditation study also showed signs of increased activity in areas of the brain related to positive emotion, as compared to people who did not meditate.
People who meditate these days come from all walks of life and aren’t necessarily weird New Agers or pretentious actors. Students, lawyers, West Point cadets, athletes, prisoners, and government officials all meditate. It’s supposed to help depression, control pain, increase longevity, slow down cancers, invigorate the immune system, and significantly reduce blood pressure. Time magazine recently reported that “meditation can sometimes be used to replace Viagra.”
Time Magazine – Aug 4, 2003
Not only do studies show that meditation is boosting their immune system, but brain scans suggest that it may be rewiring their brains to reduce stress. It’s recommended by more and more physicians as a way to prevent, slow or at least control the pain of chronic diseases like heart conditions, AIDS, cancer and infertility.
As you read, meditation provides many benefits even when done by a beginner.
The Two Types of Meditation: Passive and Active
When we meditate several important things happen physically and mentally. First, we are “focusing internally” and letting go of the outside world (similar to going to sleep, but without losing consciousness).
This allows our brains to shift into more stable, stronger brain frequencies (called alpha and theta by scientists) normally reached during sleep.
When we can reduce our brain frequencies to these levels while staying awake we are able to bring the unconscious mind to the conscious level.
Passive Meditation
All meditation systems, such as Yoga, Zen, Transcendental Meditation ™, Silva Life System and others have similar benefits.
By “passively” letting go and going within, we “deactivate” our survival mechanisms and allow our body’s natural health and rejuvenation abilities to be activated.
Each method has its own way of reaching the inner state of mind, and each has its own goals.
Active Meditation
Jose Silva’s techniques allow you to use the relaxed, healthy state of mind that occurs during meditation to solve your day-to-day problems.
Silva found that by “actively” utilizing brain languages (kinesthetic, visual, and auditory thought processes), we can use this higher energy state to improve memory and learning skills, change unwanted habits, enhance health, and healing.
He also developed techniques to achieve what many people call “tapping the super-conscious” to solve problems, reach goals, come up with new ideas and solutions to problems. Some students use the Silva Life System to enhance their spiritual growth.
Using such techniques within a meditative state is called “active” meditation.
Part 2: How to Practice
The Silva Centering Exercise is presented over audio. Laura Silva will guide you to a healthy, relaxed level of mind. You will also hear a gently thudding sound in the background. The sound is a gentle beat of 14 cycles per second. This sound simulates the alpha level frequency and will help guide your brain to this correct frequency.
All you need to do is find a comfortable position, preferably sitting up, and close your eyes. When you’re ready you can start the audio. When you practice the Silva Centering Exercise, there are three things you need to do while you keep your eyes closed. The Exercise is more than just a relaxation tool—it is also a powerful way to tap into your mind to solve problems, change habits and practice creative visualization.
This is what we mean by Dynamic Meditation.
The Three Things You Must Do
First, you should practice your concentration. Concentration is a basic skill. Concentrate on what the instructor tells you to do via the audio. Second, practice your imagination. We want you to learn how to exaggerate your imagination, because you will be in a better position to control your creative visualization.At the same time, it will keep you active while going through the exercise. By being mentally active, you avoid the tendency to drift off into sleep. Third, you must practice coordinating your physiological relaxation with your mental relaxation. It is easy to go into a mental relaxation. But you must learn to let your body relax too. It takes a little longer for you to relax your body than it does for you to relax your mind.
You do not have to maintain a fixed, rigid position. If you have to adjust your body to be comfortable, do so. If you need to scratch an itch, do it. Make yourself comfortable and you will be able to relax better.
If you feel uncomfortable for any reason,if you feel that you want to open your eyes, then open your eyes immediately. Tell yourself—mentally or verbally—to relax, that everything is okay.
When you combine your physiological relaxation with your mental relaxation you will be much more relaxed at the end of that exercise. The more you practice, the easier it will be to relax completely. Please remember, the secret to success is discipline. Practice makes perfect.
This is no different from training your physical body and getting into shape. If you exercise your body only once per month you get very different results than if you exercise daily. The same principle applies when you train and exercise your mind. The more you go into alpha, learn to visualize, relax, and tune into your intuition, the healthier and better your life becomes.
Note: You may want to listen to the exercise first so there will be no surprises.
- See more at: http://www.silvalifesystem.com/online/lessons/2-meditation