This Universe is a shapeable Universe, it responds to our thoughts, imaginations and emotion. We, 'the subject,' are a powerful creative center, the mental energy that emanets from our thoughts and emotions creates the physical reality that we desire. We are the creator of our own reality..
We are the self expression of our subconscious mind. We are a cluster of energy, so is everything else. The energy cluster that is constantly in motion, moving and changing to form new configuration and intelligently maintaining its form. This is the consciosness that keeps the energy in that particular form.
Consciousness is the mind, the mind is reality, this mind is the creator. This Universe is the collective consciousness of its people. By learning how to guide and focus our thought patterns we all can become an effective co-creator and live successfully with the matter and events of our outer physical world. We all participate in creating the exterior world that we live and this is essential for our growth. The better our abilities at creating reality, the better we are at solving problems, creating abundance and able to live in perfect harmony with this Universe. There is nothing paranormal in this Universe except our limited understanding of the Universe around us...
Psycophysics views all matters including human body as a bio-electro magnectic that vibrates in waves with specific oscillation frequencies. Electro- myograth, a devise that measures electrical activities of muscles, was discovered by Dr. Hunt. The science of Kirlian Photography is designed to detect human body's electro-magnetic field also known as human Aura. This devise is able to detect minute electrical, magnetic and optical changes in an object's environment. The color of human aura enable scientist to analyse a person's current physical, mental and emotional health.
The cosmo has certain forms of wave energy and all living things have their own unique wave energy. When this wave rythm is damaged by various factors of environment, polutions, stress and worries, the cells of our body sends out signals called disease. Human brain emitts certain electro-magnetic impulse, the brain waves alfa, beta, theta and delta waves. Human brain has two main parts the pelio cortex, which controls vital body fuctions and the neo cortex, which control thinking and cognition.
We are the self expression of our subconscious mind. We are a cluster of energy, so is everything else. The energy cluster that is constantly in motion, moving and changing to form new configuration and intelligently maintaining its form. This is the consciosness that keeps the energy in that particular form.
Consciousness is the mind, the mind is reality, this mind is the creator. This Universe is the collective consciousness of its people. By learning how to guide and focus our thought patterns we all can become an effective co-creator and live successfully with the matter and events of our outer physical world. We all participate in creating the exterior world that we live and this is essential for our growth. The better our abilities at creating reality, the better we are at solving problems, creating abundance and able to live in perfect harmony with this Universe. There is nothing paranormal in this Universe except our limited understanding of the Universe around us...
Psycophysics views all matters including human body as a bio-electro magnectic that vibrates in waves with specific oscillation frequencies. Electro- myograth, a devise that measures electrical activities of muscles, was discovered by Dr. Hunt. The science of Kirlian Photography is designed to detect human body's electro-magnetic field also known as human Aura. This devise is able to detect minute electrical, magnetic and optical changes in an object's environment. The color of human aura enable scientist to analyse a person's current physical, mental and emotional health.
The cosmo has certain forms of wave energy and all living things have their own unique wave energy. When this wave rythm is damaged by various factors of environment, polutions, stress and worries, the cells of our body sends out signals called disease. Human brain emitts certain electro-magnetic impulse, the brain waves alfa, beta, theta and delta waves. Human brain has two main parts the pelio cortex, which controls vital body fuctions and the neo cortex, which control thinking and cognition.
Mind and body are two parts of our being, one physical the other non physical, and they are completely dependent on each other. All illness are psychosomatic because we are not just body but mind and body.
Hippocrates (father of the modern medicine) said that everyone is a doctor within. However, our bodys ability to fuction at its optimum has been suppressed by various environmental factors, pollution, strain and stress of everyday life. We are constantly being exposed to pollutants, virus and bacteria and electromagnetic radiation. While there are inumerable new disease on the rise today, and with all these modern medical marvels, yet the answer can be found within the subconcious self. Self healing begins when mind, body and spirit regains balance with each other. Healing is a process of bringing together all parts of our being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self, in the symphony of life creating wholesome.
Human being has the natural abilities to heal itself. Good health is a state of mind, a state of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical balance. Human brain has the ability to manifest healing naturally. All we need to do is learn how to control our mind and unleash this ability that we were all born with. Overwhelming scientific evidence has proven it that human mind is the most potent tool in our quest for healing the body and soul.
Psychotherapy, a form of alternative practice that help eliminate traumatic experience, underlying causes of anxiety and fear from within deep subconscious. Reframing and affirmation is the methods of chanting our mind's perceptions into a perception that positively benifit the current reality. It allows one to overcome emotional blockages and hindering spirit and leads one toward the pathway of health and wellness...
Hippocrates (father of the modern medicine) said that everyone is a doctor within. However, our bodys ability to fuction at its optimum has been suppressed by various environmental factors, pollution, strain and stress of everyday life. We are constantly being exposed to pollutants, virus and bacteria and electromagnetic radiation. While there are inumerable new disease on the rise today, and with all these modern medical marvels, yet the answer can be found within the subconcious self. Self healing begins when mind, body and spirit regains balance with each other. Healing is a process of bringing together all parts of our being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self, in the symphony of life creating wholesome.
Human being has the natural abilities to heal itself. Good health is a state of mind, a state of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical balance. Human brain has the ability to manifest healing naturally. All we need to do is learn how to control our mind and unleash this ability that we were all born with. Overwhelming scientific evidence has proven it that human mind is the most potent tool in our quest for healing the body and soul.
Psychotherapy, a form of alternative practice that help eliminate traumatic experience, underlying causes of anxiety and fear from within deep subconscious. Reframing and affirmation is the methods of chanting our mind's perceptions into a perception that positively benifit the current reality. It allows one to overcome emotional blockages and hindering spirit and leads one toward the pathway of health and wellness...
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
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Monday, June 23, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Teenagers Addicted To Computer Games - Advice for Parents
1. For now, computer game addiction is not an official psychological disorder. The possibility of including computer game addiction in future editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is being debated, but currently it just a way to describe someone whose life appears to be negatively impacted by excessive gaming -
2. Common sense suggests that the more a teen plays computer games, the more likely his play has crossed over into the "unhealthy levels of play" category. However, because computer game addiction is not an official diagnosis there is no set number of hours per day signifying an addiction. Therefore, in addition to measuring the average number of hours he/she plays per day, it is perhaps more important to examine how computer gaming is interfering with a teen's social relationships, school performance, mood, and development of interpersonal skills.
3. Parents who are worried that their teenager is spending too much time playing computer games and neglecting other activities should not assume that their child will eventually get bored of video games and that gaming is simply a phase. True, some teenagers addicted to computer games do eventually develop other interests and their gaming subsides…but there are also those who develop even more extreme gaming habits as they get older. Parents should not depend on the problem taking care of itself. Computer game addiction needs to be attended to as soon as parents recognize that it is causing significant impairment in other important areas of the teens's life.
4. Most kids and teenagers can and do play computer games without developing an addiction. However, for some teens there is no question that their computer use is unhealthy and excessive by anyone's standards. For these teens, computer games take priority over all other activities, and development in other areas (for example, school, relationships, clubs, sports) is sacrificed so that more time can be spent in front of the computer screen. It really does not matter if this is called an "addiction" or not. If he continues to play despite experiencing significant negative consequences in other areas of his life (e.g., ignoring school or friends) his computer gaming is a problem and it needs attention.
5. For parents, one of the most concerning things about teenagers addicted to computer games is the effect it has on their child's academic performance. If a student regularly achieved As and Bs prior to becoming hooked on computer games but is now only bringing home Cs and Ds, parents should establish very clear rules around gaming (including the possibility of a ban) until marks have improved. Furthermore, it is critical that any rules around gaming are not only set, but consistently enforced. Setting limitations on computer games but not following through by enforcing the new rules is potentially more harmful than having no limitations at all.
6. In general, treating teenagers addicted to computer games requires that all computers and/or game consoles are removed from his or her room. Of course, this is certainly not the only intervention, but it is almost impossible for a parent to successfully place limits on gaming if the child can still access the game in the privacy of a bedroom.
7. The most popular treatment approach for computer game addiction is cognitive-
8. Parents seeking assistance from a therapist or psychologist should consider meeting with him or her prior to the first appointment with their child. Although the issue of teenagers addicted to computer games is being taken more seriously by mental health professionals, there are those who dismiss the possibility of video game addition entirely and focus only on discovering the "root cause" of the problem. The therapist should at least consider the possibility that computer game addiction is the primary problem and offer direct treatment for this issue if necessary. Related to this point…
9. At times, computer game addiction is a symptom of another psychological, emotional, or interpersonal problem. True, computer game addiction can be the primary presenting problem…but there is considerable evidence that excessive computer use also can be triggered or exacerbated by difficulties such as depression, anxiety, and poor social skills. For example, a teenager who is struggling with depression may embrace computer games because he does not feel capable of dealing with real world problems. Of course, turning to online games is very unlikely to make the challenges he faces in the real world go away, and potentially makes them even worse. In this example, the therapist must not only treat the unhealthy gaming, but also the depression which may be feeding the addiction.
10. Despite the challenges and inevitable frustrations of dealing with teen computer game addiction, parents must remember never to give up teenagers addicted to computer games. Although changing unhealthy video game habits is not always easy, teenage computer game addiction can be treated especially if parents have the critical information and strategies they need for planning a successful video game addiction intervention.
No Need To Wait -
Instant Download Now Available (free email support included)Child Video Game Addiction - Facts and Solutions
Thursday, May 8, 2014
This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Vietnam War. Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue. Back in the Vietnam war, however, an entirely different picture emerged, one that has been carefully covered up and hidden from public view.
In the early nineties, Sally [name changed to protect privacy] was married to a licensed psychologist who worked at a VA medical hospital. He worked with combat veterans with PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. Most of them had served in Vietnam.
Sally said, “I remember clearly an evening when my husband came back to our apartment on Doctor’s Circle carrying a thick official looking folder in his hands. Inside were hundreds of pages of certain studies commissioned by the government. He was in shock from the contents. What he read in those documents completely changed his life. From that moment on my conservative, middle-of-the-road husband grew his hair and beard and never cut them again. What is more, the VA Medical Center let him do it, and other very conservative men in the staff followed his example.
As I read the documents, I learned why. It seems that during the Vietnam War, special forces in the war department had sent undercover experts to comb American Indian Reservations looking for talented scouts, for tough young men trained to move stealthily through rough terrain. They were especially looking for men with outstanding, almost supernatural tracking abilities. Before being approached, these carefully selected men were extensively documented as experts in tracking and survival.
With the usual enticements, the well-proven smooth phrases used to enroll new recruits, some of these Indian trackers were then enlisted. Once enlisted, an amazing thing happened. Whatever talents and skills they had possessed on the reservation seemed to mysteriously disappear, as recruit after recruit failed to perform as expected in the field.
Serious causalities and failures of performance led the government to contract expensive testing of these recruits, and this is what was found.
When questioned about their failure to perform as expected, the older recruits replied consistently that when they received their required military haircuts, they could no longer ‘sense’ the enemy, they could no longer access a ‘sixth sense,’ their ‘intuition’ no longer was reliable, they couldn’t ‘read’ subtle signs as well or access subtle extrasensory information.
So the testing institute recruited more Indian trackers, let them keep their longhair, and tested them in multiple areas. Then they would pair two men together who had received the same scores on all the tests. They would let one man in the pair keep his hair long, and gave the other man a military haircut. Then the two men retook the tests.
Time after time the man with long hair kept making high scores. Time after time, the man with the short hair failed the tests in which he had previously scored high scores.
Here is a Typical Test:
The recruit is sleeping out in the woods. An armed ‘enemy’ approaches the sleeping man. The long haired man is awakened out of his sleep by a strong sense of danger and gets away long before the enemy is close, long before any sounds from the approaching enemy are audible.
In another version of this test, the long haired man senses an approach and somehow intuits that the enemy will perform a physical attack. He follows his ‘sixth sense’ and stays still, pretending to be sleeping, but quickly grabs the attacker and ‘kills’ him as the attacker reaches down to strangle him.
This same man, after having passed these and other tests, then received a military haircut and consistently failed these tests, and many other tests that he had previously passed.
So the document recommended that all Indian trackers be exempt from military haircuts. In fact, it required that trackers keep their hair long.
The mammalian body has evolved over millions of years. Survival skills of human and animal at times seem almost supernatural. Science is constantly coming up with more discoveries about the amazing abilities of man and animal to survive. Each part of the body has highly sensitive work to perform for the survival and well being of the body as a whole.The body has a reason for every part of itself.
Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved ‘feelers’ or ‘antennae’ that transmit vast amounts of important information to the brain stem, the limbic system, and the neocortex.
Not only does hair in people, including facial hair in men, provide an information highway reaching the brain, hair also emits energy, the electromagnetic energy emitted by the brain into the outer environment. This has been seen in Kirlian photography when a person is photographed with long hair and then rephotographed after the hair is cut.
When hair is cut, receiving and sending transmissions to and from the environment are greatly hampered. This results in numbing out.
Cutting of hair is a contributing factor to unawareness of environmental distress in local ecosystems. It is also a contributing factor to insensitivity in relationships of all kinds. It contributes to sexual frustration.
In searching for solutions for the distress in our world, it may be time for us to consider that many of our most basic assumptions about reality are in error. It may be that a major part of the solution is looking at us in the face each morning when we see ourselves in the mirror.
The story of Samson and Delilah in the Bible has a lot of encoded truth to tell us. When Delilah cut Samson’s hair, the once undefeatable Samson was defeated.
Reported by C. Young
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
our brain is your most powerful, mysterious and vital organ. It’s the original supercomputer, transmitting signals at speeds up to 268 miles per hour and processing an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. It directs all your bodily systems and stores a record of all of your life experiences.
That’s why brain aging and its seemingly inevitable byproduct, cognitive decline, are such frightening prospects. You’d like to continue making your own decisions and hold on to the knowledge and memories you’ve spent your entire life accumulating.
Seven steps to increase brain power as you age.
Curcumin—Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used for centuries in India and Southeast Asia, where the prevalence of age-related cognitive concerns is a fraction of what is found in the western world. Curcumin seems to reduce brain clutter by reducing the incidence of unwanted protein deposits in brain tissue and slowing the deposition of certain precursor proteins within the brain. This helps slow the progression of some forms of age-related cognitive decline.
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract—Geriatric patients with cerebral insufficiency improved mental performance and reaction times by using this extract. Patients diagnosed with uncomplicated Alzheimer’s and who were mildly to severely impaired showed improved cognitive ability in research studies.
GPC—GlyceroPhosphoCholine is a brain- boosting molecule that supports acetylcholine production—but, being water soluble, GPC can more easily cross the blood-brain barrier, making it one of the most effective nutrients in the pursuit of peak mental energy. GPC also enhances memory, focus and concentration and can help you maintain healthy brain function as you age.
Gotu Kola leaf extract—It has been shown in research studies to improve circulation to the brain, enhance capillary filtration rates and reduce venous hypertension. It can lessen age-related cognitive decline by opening up the information passageways within the brain.
Green Tea extract—Green tea contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and other phenolic antioxidants that have tremendous disease-modifying potential in Alzheimer’s disease and the ability to preserve cognition in healthy aging individuals. Study findings indicate green tea extract can help improve memory and attention, suggesting it protects neurons and preserves cognition regardless of age. When combined with theanine, tea polyphenols may also ameliorate the damaging effects of amyloid-beta proteins, which clutter our thoughts and accumulate as the hallmark pathology of Alzheimer’s disease.
Huperzine A—This natural compound is derived from the club mossHuperzia serrata. Shown to be clinically effective and possibly safer than other drugs used to treat neurodegenerative disease, it is currently being used in a Phase II Clinical Trial at the National Institute on Aging.
Omega-3 fatty acids—The most brain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids come from fish and krill. Omega-3 supplementation has been associated with a dramatic reduction in cognitive decline among an aging study population.
PS—Phosphatidylserine is a “phospholipid” that is necessary for building cell membranes, especially in neurons, and forming acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter that plays an integral role in short-term memory. It is one of the most researched nutrients of all time, backed by 64 clinical studies and 2,800+ research papers. PS is powerful enough to wake up seemingly “dead” brain cells and re-ignite your brain power. It has been clinically shown to roll back cognitive decline by 12 years and improve memory by 44%.
Vitamin B12—Methylcobalamin is the active, functional form of vitamin B12, which is important for nerve and blood cells. Researchers in Oxford, England found that people who had higher vitamin B12 levels were six times less likely to experience brain shrinkage compared with those who had lower levels of the vitamin in their blood.
Vitamin D3—Scientists have linked vitamin D to a number of critical functions throughout the body, including the workings of the brain. It activates and deactivates enzymes in the brain and the cerebrospinal fluid that are involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and nerve growth. Research studies suggest optimal vitamin D levels protect neurons, reduce inflammation, and promote cognitive function in older individuals.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Essential oils could be a cheap and effective alternative to antibiotics and potentially used to combat drug-resistant hospital superbugs, according to research presented at the Society for General Microbiology's spring meeting in Edinburgh.
Professor Yiannis Samaras and Dr Effimia Eriotou, from the Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands, in Greece, who led the research, tested the antimicrobial activity of eight plant essential oils. They found that thyme essential oil was the most effective and was able to almost completely eliminate bacteria within 60 minutes.
The essential oils of thyme and cinnamon were found to be particularly efficient antibacterial agents against a range of Staphylococcus species. Strains of these bacteria are common inhabitants of the skin and some may cause infection in immuno-compromised individuals. Drug-resistant strains, such as meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are extremely difficult to treat. "Not only are essential oils a cheap and effective treatment option for antibiotic-resistant strains, but decreased use of antibiotics will help minimize the risk of new strains of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms emerging," said Professor Samaras.
Essential oils have been recognized for hundreds of years for their therapeutic properties, although very little is still known about how they exert their antimicrobial effects in humans. Australian aborigines used Tea tree oil to treat colds, sore throats, skin infections and insect bites and the remedy was sold commercially as a medicinal antiseptic from the early 20nth century. Various scientific studies have demonstrated that essential oils are not only well tolerated, but are effective against a range of bacterial and fungal species. Their therapeutic value has been shown for the treatment of a variety of conditions, including acne, dandruff, head lice and oral infections.
The Greek team believes essential oils could have diverse medical and industrial applications. "The oils – or their active ingredients – could be easily incorporated into antimicrobial creams or gels for external application. In the food industry the impregnation of food packaging with essential oils has already been successfully trialed. They could also be included in food stuffs to replace synthetic chemicals that act as preservatives," they said.
Laura Udakis
Society for General Microbiology
Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.
Laura Udakis
Society for General Microbiology
Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
A new study shows [that] people who underwent meditation training produced more antibodies to a flu vaccine than people who did not meditate. Those who took part in the meditation study also showed signs of increased activity in areas of the brain related to positive emotion, as compared to people who did not meditate.
A new study shows [that] people who underwent meditation training produced more antibodies to a flu vaccine than people who did not meditate. Those who took part in the meditation study also showed signs of increased activity in areas of the brain related to positive emotion, as compared to people who did not meditate.
People who meditate these days come from all walks of life and aren’t necessarily weird New Agers or pretentious actors. Students, lawyers, West Point cadets, athletes, prisoners, and government officials all meditate. It’s supposed to help depression, control pain, increase longevity, slow down cancers, invigorate the immune system, and significantly reduce blood pressure. Time magazine recently reported that “meditation can sometimes be used to replace Viagra.”
Time Magazine – Aug 4, 2003
Not only do studies show that meditation is boosting their immune system, but brain scans suggest that it may be rewiring their brains to reduce stress. It’s recommended by more and more physicians as a way to prevent, slow or at least control the pain of chronic diseases like heart conditions, AIDS, cancer and infertility.
As you read, meditation provides many benefits even when done by a beginner.
The Two Types of Meditation: Passive and Active
When we meditate several important things happen physically and mentally. First, we are “focusing internally” and letting go of the outside world (similar to going to sleep, but without losing consciousness).
This allows our brains to shift into more stable, stronger brain frequencies (called alpha and theta by scientists) normally reached during sleep.
When we can reduce our brain frequencies to these levels while staying awake we are able to bring the unconscious mind to the conscious level.
Passive Meditation
All meditation systems, such as Yoga, Zen, Transcendental Meditation ™, Silva Life System and others have similar benefits.
By “passively” letting go and going within, we “deactivate” our survival mechanisms and allow our body’s natural health and rejuvenation abilities to be activated.
Each method has its own way of reaching the inner state of mind, and each has its own goals.
Active Meditation
Jose Silva’s techniques allow you to use the relaxed, healthy state of mind that occurs during meditation to solve your day-to-day problems.
Silva found that by “actively” utilizing brain languages (kinesthetic, visual, and auditory thought processes), we can use this higher energy state to improve memory and learning skills, change unwanted habits, enhance health, and healing.
He also developed techniques to achieve what many people call “tapping the super-conscious” to solve problems, reach goals, come up with new ideas and solutions to problems. Some students use the Silva Life System to enhance their spiritual growth.
Using such techniques within a meditative state is called “active” meditation.
Part 2: How to Practice
The Silva Centering Exercise is presented over audio. Laura Silva will guide you to a healthy, relaxed level of mind. You will also hear a gently thudding sound in the background. The sound is a gentle beat of 14 cycles per second. This sound simulates the alpha level frequency and will help guide your brain to this correct frequency.
All you need to do is find a comfortable position, preferably sitting up, and close your eyes. When you’re ready you can start the audio. When you practice the Silva Centering Exercise, there are three things you need to do while you keep your eyes closed. The Exercise is more than just a relaxation tool—it is also a powerful way to tap into your mind to solve problems, change habits and practice creative visualization.
This is what we mean by Dynamic Meditation.
The Three Things You Must Do
First, you should practice your concentration. Concentration is a basic skill. Concentrate on what the instructor tells you to do via the audio. Second, practice your imagination. We want you to learn how to exaggerate your imagination, because you will be in a better position to control your creative visualization.At the same time, it will keep you active while going through the exercise. By being mentally active, you avoid the tendency to drift off into sleep. Third, you must practice coordinating your physiological relaxation with your mental relaxation. It is easy to go into a mental relaxation. But you must learn to let your body relax too. It takes a little longer for you to relax your body than it does for you to relax your mind.
You do not have to maintain a fixed, rigid position. If you have to adjust your body to be comfortable, do so. If you need to scratch an itch, do it. Make yourself comfortable and you will be able to relax better.
If you feel uncomfortable for any reason,if you feel that you want to open your eyes, then open your eyes immediately. Tell yourself—mentally or verbally—to relax, that everything is okay.
When you combine your physiological relaxation with your mental relaxation you will be much more relaxed at the end of that exercise. The more you practice, the easier it will be to relax completely. Please remember, the secret to success is discipline. Practice makes perfect.
This is no different from training your physical body and getting into shape. If you exercise your body only once per month you get very different results than if you exercise daily. The same principle applies when you train and exercise your mind. The more you go into alpha, learn to visualize, relax, and tune into your intuition, the healthier and better your life becomes.
Note: You may want to listen to the exercise first so there will be no surprises.
- See more at:, December 30, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Reprogramming Your Brain (Pt 2)
Saturday, November 9, 2013
The Many Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide
We know ..........vinegar/baking soda and now peroxide - our mothers
were right!
were right!
I want to share this with you, which was written by Becky Ransey of
"I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plain little
ol' bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1.00 at any drug store. My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years, and most doctors don't tell you about peroxide, or they would lose thousands of dollars.
ol' bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1.00 at any drug store. My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years, and most doctors don't tell you about peroxide, or they would lose thousands of dollars.
1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and
hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I do it when I
bathe or shower.) No more canker sores and your teeth will be whiter
without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.
hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I do it when I
bathe or shower.) No more canker sores and your teeth will be whiter
without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.
2. Let your toothbrushes soak a cup peroxide to keep them free of germs.
3. Clean your counters, table tops with peroxide to kill germs and leave
a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray
it on the counters.
a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray
it on the counters.
4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide on it to
kill salmonella and other bacteria.
kill salmonella and other bacteria.
5. I had fungus on my feet for years - until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture
of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.
of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.
6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes
several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine, but was healed by soaking in peroxide.
several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine, but was healed by soaking in peroxide.
7. Put two capfuls into a douche to prevent yeast infections. I had
chronic yeast infections until I tried this once or twice a week.
chronic yeast infections until I tried this once or twice a week.
8. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water and
keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system
like bleach or most other disinfectants will
keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system
like bleach or most other disinfectants will
9. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture
whenever you have a cold, plugged sinus. It will bubble and help to kill
the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes then blow your nose into a tissue.
whenever you have a cold, plugged sinus. It will bubble and help to kill
the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes then blow your nose into a tissue.
10. If you have a terrible toothache and can not get to a dentist right
away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten
minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.
away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten
minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.
11. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the
50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You
will not have the peroxide burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages, but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, faddish, or dirty blonde.
It also lightens gradually so it's not a drastic change.
50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You
will not have the peroxide burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages, but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, faddish, or dirty blonde.
It also lightens gradually so it's not a drastic change.
12. Put half a bottle of peroxide in your bath to help rid boils,
fungus, or other skin infections.
fungus, or other skin infections.
13. You can also add a cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a load of
whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour
directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and
rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing, pour
directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and
rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.
14 This list didn't have it, but I use peroxide to clean my mirrors;
there is no smearing, which is why I love it so much for this.
there is no smearing, which is why I love it so much for this.
15. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide, put drops in the ear and nose to end
colds, flu, chronic sinustis (including polyps], and infections.
colds, flu, chronic sinustis (including polyps], and infections.
16. Use as a vegetable wash or soak to kill bacteria and neutralize
17. Disinfect your dishwasher or refrigerator.
18. Use it on trees and plants as a natural fungicide, insecticide, and
as a weed killer
as a weed killer
19. Clean with hydrogen peroxide when your house becomes a biohazard
after its invaded by toxic mold, such as those with water damage.
after its invaded by toxic mold, such as those with water damage.
Throughout the world hydrogen peroxide is used instead of chlorine as a
safer and eco-friendly municicpal water purifier. Some use H2O2 in pools
and spas.
safer and eco-friendly municicpal water purifier. Some use H2O2 in pools
and spas.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Word of Caution!
Remember that just because these are natural remedies don`t just carelessly use them. While most are generally safe many have very real and powerful effects. Just like morophine, (the most powerful pain reliever known to man), which comes from the poppy plant, other less known herbs, plants and natural remedies can have equally powerful effects.
Even something as seemingly harmless as a grapefruit has been showing in some cases to enhance absorption of some medications. In some cases this is helpful... in others it could potentially cause an overdose.
So it is important to understand what you are taking and what effects there might be with your particular situation, (especially if on medication, under a doctors care or if health is less than optimal).
We therefore strongly recommend getting the advice of a professional health care provider knowledgeable in both allopathic, (modern or Western medicine), and traditional, (natural or Eastern medicine), about the proper use of foods, herbs, meditation, exercise and other natural home remedies offered on this site.
None of this is meant to scare anyone as these are generally very safe, especially if a little common sense is applied. All these things can bring you restored health, energy and feelings of well-being, but they have real and powerful effects that need to be understood with relation to your situation. Health is your responsibility so take care to make informed decisions about the things you try.
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