Spread your magic around....
This Universe is a shapeable Universe, it responds to our thoughts, imaginations and emotion. We, 'the subject,' are a powerful creative center, the mental energy that emanets from our thoughts and emotions creates the physical reality that we desire. We are the creator of our own reality..

We are the self expression of our subconscious mind. We are a cluster of energy, so is everything else. The energy cluster that is constantly in motion, moving and changing to form new configuration and intelligently maintaining its form. This is the consciosness that keeps the energy in that particular form.

Consciousness is the mind, the mind is reality, this mind is the creator. This Universe is the collective consciousness of its people. By learning how to guide and focus our thought patterns we all can become an effective co-creator and live successfully with the matter and events of our outer physical world. We all participate in creating the exterior world that we live and this is essential for our growth. The better our abilities at creating reality, the better we are at solving problems, creating abundance and able to live in perfect harmony with this Universe. There is nothing paranormal in this Universe except our limited understanding of the Universe around us...

Psycophysics views all matters including human body as a bio-electro magnectic that vibrates in waves with specific oscillation frequencies. Electro- myograth, a devise that measures electrical activities of muscles, was discovered by Dr. Hunt. The science of Kirlian Photography is designed to detect human body's electro-magnetic field also known as human Aura. This devise is able to detect minute electrical, magnetic and optical changes in an object's environment. The color of human aura enable scientist to analyse a person's current physical, mental and emotional health.

The cosmo has certain forms of wave energy and all living things have their own unique wave energy. When this wave rythm is damaged by various factors of environment, polutions, stress and worries, the cells of our body sends out signals called disease. Human brain emitts certain electro-magnetic impulse, the brain waves alfa, beta, theta and delta waves. Human brain has two main parts the pelio cortex, which controls vital body fuctions and the neo cortex, which control thinking and cognition.

Mind and body are two parts of our being, one physical the other non physical, and they are completely dependent on each other. All illness are psychosomatic because we are not just body but mind and body.

Hippocrates (father of the modern medicine) said that everyone is a doctor within. However, our bodys ability to fuction at its optimum has been suppressed by various environmental factors, pollution, strain and stress of everyday life. We are constantly being exposed to pollutants, virus and bacteria and electromagnetic radiation. While there are inumerable new disease on the rise today, and with all these modern medical marvels, yet the answer can be found within the subconcious self. Self healing begins when mind, body and spirit regains balance with each other. Healing is a process of bringing together all parts of our being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self, in the symphony of life creating wholesome.

Human being has the natural abilities to heal itself. Good health is a state of mind, a state of emotional, mental, spiritual and physical balance. Human brain has the ability to manifest healing naturally. All we need to do is learn how to control our mind and unleash this ability that we were all born with. Overwhelming scientific evidence has proven it that human mind is the most potent tool in our quest for healing the body and soul.

Psychotherapy, a form of alternative practice that help eliminate traumatic experience, underlying causes of anxiety and fear from within deep subconscious. Reframing and affirmation is the methods of chanting our mind's perceptions into a perception that positively benifit the current reality. It allows one to overcome emotional blockages and hindering spirit and leads one toward the pathway of health and wellness...


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Play a Role in Depression

Most countries in which depression rates are high tend to be in northern latitudes where vitamin D deficiency is prevalent, and numerous studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can predispose you to depression, and that depression can respond favorably to optimizing your vitamin D stores.
For example, one previous study found that seniors with the lowest levels of vitamin D were 11 times more prone to be depressed than those who had normal levels. More recent research was discussed in a Times Online article:4
“A study in the United States indicated that vitamin D deficiency occurred more often in certain people, including African-Americans, city dwellers, the obese, and those suffering from depression.
People with vitamin D levels below 20 ng/mL had an 85 percent increased risk of depression compared to those with vitamin D levels greater than 30 ng/mL” [Emphasis mine]
Vitamin D deficiency has long been associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder5 (SAD), and according to a double-blind randomized trial6 published in 2008: “It appears to be a relation between serum levels of 25(OH)D and symptoms of depression.
Supplementation with high doses of vitamin D seems to ameliorate these symptoms indicating a possible causal relationship.” Recent research also claims that low vitamin D levels appear to be associated with suicide attempts. As reported by Michigan State University:7
“The study, published in the September issue of the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that around 60 percent of the suicidal patients were deficient in vitamin D according to clinical standards.
The suicidal patients’ levels of Vitamin D were significantly lower than those in the healthy controls... The patients who were deficient in vitamin D also had higher inflammatory markers in their blood, the study found, suggesting that low levels of vitamin D could be a cause of the inflammation.
Previous studies have shown that increased inflammation in the body might be a contributing factor to depression and suicidal tendencies. Vitamin D deficiency also previously has been linked to mental illness, including depression.” [Emphasis mine]
To suggest that depression is rooted in nutrient deficiencies and other lifestyle related factors does not detract from the fact that it’s a serious problem that needs to be addressed with compassion and non-judgment. It simply shifts the conversation about what the most appropriate answers and remedies are.
During this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week, KCWY13,8 a local news channel in Wyoming, wisely noted that:
“Vitamin D is important because it helps fight off depression... Dee Ann Lippincott, of the Central Wyoming Counseling Center said, ‘The higher altitude you go and the higher you go in the country the higher the rates of depression.’
While sunlight is the best way to get vitamin D and ward off depression, it isn't the only way. For example there's a strong connection between a healthy lifestyle and a healthy mind.
Lippincott said, ‘People who eat a healthier diet are less prone to depression then people who eat the more western diet which is more based on junk food and fast food, and not a lot of fruits and vegetables.’"

The Links Between Gut and Mental Health

Your mental health is also linked to your gut health. As with vitamin D, a number of studies have confirmed that gastrointestinal inflammation can play a critical role in the development of depression. For example, a Hungarian scientific review9 published in 2011 made the following observations:
  1. Depression is often found alongside gastrointestinal inflammations and autoimmune diseases as well as with cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, type 2 diabetes and also cancer, in which chronic low-grade inflammation is a significant contributing factor. Thus researchers suggested “depression may be a neuropsychiatric manifestation of a chronic inflammatory syndrome.”
  2. Research suggests the primary cause of inflammation may be dysfunction of the “gut-brain axis.” Your gut is literally your second brain -- created from the identical tissue as your brain during gestation -- and contains larger levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is associated with mood control.
  3. It's important to understand that your gut bacteria are an active and integrated part of serotonin regulation and actually produce more serotonin than your brain. Optimizing your gut flora is a key part of the equation to optimize your levels.  
  4. An increasing number of clinical studies have shown that treating gastrointestinal inflammation with probiotics, vitamin B, vitamin D,and omega-3 fats may also improve depression symptoms and quality of life by attenuating pro-inflammatory stimuli to your brain.

Sugar Is Also a Major Factor in Depression

Nearly 40 years ago, William Duffy penned a great book on this subject, calledThe Sugar Blues. It delves into the sugar-depression link in great detail, and is as applicable today as it was then. The central argument Duffy makes in the book is that sugar is extremely health-harming and addictive, and that simply making one dietary change -- eliminating as much sugar as possible -- can have a profoundly beneficial impact on your mental health.
This really makes sense when you consider that sugar not only triggers a cascade of chemical reactions in your body that promote chronic inflammation, it also distorts the ratio of good to bad bacteria in your gut. Both of these factors—chronic inflammation and imbalanced microflora—play integral roles in the quality of your second brain and your mental health. 
Sugar feeds pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungi that inhibit the beneficial and health promoting bacteria in your gut. Sugar can also lead to excessive insulin release that can lead to hypoglycemia, which, in turn, causes your brain to secrete glutamate in levels that can cause agitation, depression, anger, anxiety, panic attacks, and an increase in suicide risk. Cultured and fermented foods, on the other hand, help reseed your gut with a wide variety of healthy bacteria that promote mental and physical health as long as your keep your sugar and processed food intake low.
For instance, one 2011 study10 found that the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus has a marked effect on GABA levels in certain brain regions and lowers the stress-induced hormone corticosterone, resulting in reduced anxiety- and depression-related behavior. So the two-prong dietary answer for treating depression is to a) severely limit sugars, especially fructose, as well as grains, and b) introduce fermented foods into your diet to rebalance your gut flora. As a standard recommendation, I suggest limiting your daily fructose consumption from all sources to 25 grams per day or less.

How to Optimize Your Vitamin D Level

Based on the evaluation of healthy populations that get plenty of natural sun exposure, the optimal range for general physical and mental health appears to be somewhere between 50 and 70 ng/ml. As for HOW to optimize your vitamin D levels, I firmly believe that sensible sun exposure is the best way. If you can’t get enough sunshine in late fall, winter, or early spring, then a tanning bed would be your next best option. Keep in mind that most tanning equipment use magnetic ballasts, which create harmful EMF fields. If you hear a loud buzzing noise while in a tanning bed, it has a magnetic ballast system. I strongly recommend you avoid these types of beds and restrict your use of tanning beds to those that use electronic ballasts.
If your circumstances don’t allow you to access the sun or a safe tanning bed, then you really only have one option left, and that is to take a vitamin D supplement. GrassrootsHealth has a helpful chart showing the average adult dose required to reach healthy vitamin D levels based upon your measured starting point. Many experts agree that 35 IUs of vitamin D per pound of body weight could be used as an estimate for your ideal dose.
Keep in mind that if you opt for a vitamin D supplement, you also need to take vitamin K2. The biological role of vitamin K2 is to help move calcium into the proper areas in your body, such as your bones and teeth. It also helps remove calcium from areas where it shouldn’t be, such as in your arteries and soft tissues. Vitamin K2 deficiency is actually what produces the consequences similar to vitamin D toxicity, which includes inappropriate calcification that can lead to hardening of your arteries.
vitamin d levels

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014


Whether you’re cued in to the health hazards of commercial toothpastes, or just looking for some bi-weekly TLC to add to your dental discipline, brushing your pearly whites with some sea salt and/or baking soda is a safe and natural way to ensure strong teeth and gums, break down plaque buildup, and protect against bad breath.

Either used alone or together, sea salt and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) are inexpensive, time-tested treatments for tooth care.

Let’s Talk Sea Salt
Calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, nickel, iron—just a few of many trace elements and minerals found in sea salt. These nutrients strengthen gums, protect against tarter and bad breath, and may even whiten your teeth over time. High in iodine, sea salt has antibacterial properties and helps neutralize acids in the mouth. Salt makes you salivate, and your saliva creates an antibacterial barrier that protects your enamel.

You can either dip a wet toothbrush  into a half teaspoon of sea salt and brush your teeth as you regularly would…or you can rinse with a saltwater solution. Mix a half teaspoon of sea salt with four ounces of warm water. Let the salt dissolve, and then slosh the solution around in your mouth for 30 seconds. Be sure to spit and not swallow when done! A saltwater rinse helps allay swollen, inflamed gums and rinses away bacteria in the mouth.
Let’s Talk Baking Soda
Baking soda has long been praised as the natural way to whiten teeth. It’s gritty enough to clean your teeth of tarter and plaque without being so abrasive that it wears away your tooth enamel.
Sodium bicarbonate is highly alkaline, and as such counteracts acids in the mouth (acids cause tooth decay), kills bacteria and germs, and combats bad breath.
You can mix baking soda with water into a paste-like consistency to clean teeth. Or you can combine baking soda and salt to make your own homemade toothpaste. If you aren’t comfortable ditching your traditional toothpaste entirely, brush with sea salt and baking soda once or twice a week as supplemental dental care.
Are there any side effects to be wary of? According to Dr. Paul H. Keyes D.D.S., clinical investigator at the National Institute of Dental Research, NO! Keyes maintains, “Over the years when I was lecturing, I asked thousands of dentists and hygienists to raise their hands if they had ever seen destructive periodontal disease in person[s] who had regularly brushed with salt and/or [baking] soda. I have never seen a hand! And although I have not seen many such cases, the periodontal health in these patients has always been excellent.”

Read more at http://www.themindawakened.com/2014/10/why-you-should-brush-with-sea-salt-and.html#W8BlbbFbGVFFpdq3.99

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

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PURENERGY: Costumes4less.com: Costumes4less.com

Seven Top Cancer Fighting Food.
One of the most concerning things I’ve heard in my medical practice, was when a cancer patient asked her doctor what she should eat during her treatment, and her physician answered, “you can eat anything you want.” He couldn’t have been more wrong. Because we truly are what we eat, during times of challenge for the mind or body, nutrition is one of the most important factors that allow the body to heal. When we talk about cancer-fighting foods, we must consider three ways in which food helps our system defend itself: 1. Foods That Reduce Inflammation: Inflammation has been associated with many chronic diseases like atherosclerosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and many types of cancer. Nutrition is a powerful way to protect our cells from inflammation. 2. Foods That Prevent Cellular Damage: Antioxidants have a powerful effect on our immune system and help to prevent disease. They do this by fighting free radicals, which are a byproduct of normal cellular function but they can produce cellular and DNA damage when they accumulate. This occurs during times of stress to the body, like physiological change, emotional stress, and physical disease. 3. Detoxifying Foods: These foods help the body’s natural detox organs to eliminate toxins and residue. Phytonutrients = The Magic Ingredient The majority of nutrients that have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and detox properties are found in plants. Plant foods—like fruits and vegetables—contain macronutrients (complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber,) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). But they are also packed with compounds known as phytonutrients. Simply put, phytonutrients are active compounds that benefit humans, particularly in the area of cancer prevention. Phytonutrients can lower the risk of cancer, the side effects of cancer treatments, and reduce other health risks and problems. Phytonutrients provide plants with sensory characteristics such as their color, flavor, and smell, but they also protect plants from damage—this is why they’re so powerful. Most cancer-fighting foods have more than one phytonutrient, so their benefits are not limited to one area among the benefits of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, or detoxifying. Here are seven foods that have a powerful impact on fighting cancer. Kale Kale is rich in fiber, which helps improve digestion, and a healthy digestive system is key to maintaining whole health. Kale also contains iron that helps transport oxygen, enhance cell growth, and promote proper liver function. The amount of vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids in kale gives it anti-inflammatory properties: one cup/ day gives 10 percent of the RDA recommendation for omega-3 fatty acids. It has vitamin A and calcium—even more than milk—so it helps prevent osteoporosis (which can be a side effect of some anti-cancer treatments). It’s also considered a detox food because of its content of fiber and sulfur. Sulfur is an important part of many liver enzymes that help eliminate toxins or drugs. Papaya Papaya fruit has a high content of vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene, which are potent antioxidants. It also contains a protein-digesting enzyme called papain, so it enhances digestion, which can be impacted during treatment. Berries Berries are packed with polyphenols like tannic acid and ellagitannin, which stimulate the elimination of carcinogens and inhibit cancer growth. Blueberries have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits. They have favanols, anthocyanins, and hydroxycinnamic acids, as well as other phytonutrients like resveratrol; all are very potent anti-oxidants. Plus, berries are easy to consume—add them to whole grain cereal, smoothies, or yogurt. Whole Grains Whole grains—like quinoa and oats—provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help prevent cardiovascular disease. But recent research shows that their content of phytonutrients give them the capacity to prevent some types of cancer. They contain ferulic and ellagic acids; these are anti-oxidants that block free radicals, but can also protect cells from radiation damage. Green Tea Green tea has many health benefits that researchers believe are related to the phytochemicals it contains. Of these phytochemicals, the catechins are the most studied in cancer patients. Catechins are also found in other fruits like apples, grapes, and avocadoes. The benefits of green tea include the reduction of vascular neo-formation, a phenomenon necessary for the reproduction of cancer cells. It contains potent antioxidants and is helpful to detoxify and assist the liver in eliminating toxins. It’s important to notice that black tea is fermented, and this process partially eliminates the catechin content. Remember that a 10-minute infusion of green tea is necessary for the catechins to be liberated. Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower) Cruciferous veggies have anti-cancer properties because of their content of phytonutrients like sulforaphane, flavonols, and kaempherol, all, which reduce oxidative stress (cellular damage due to free radicals and peroxides). Broccoli also contains vitamin C, which is a potent anti-oxidant. Tomatoes The lycopene content in tomatoes has been associated with increased survival rates in prostatic cancer patients, and a decreased risk of suffering from this type of cancer. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant, but tomatoes also have a group of compounds called “ the red family” and the combined action of all these contents, make them efficient in preventing cancer. Other foods that have been found to fight cancer include olives and olive oil, turmeric, ginger, mushrooms, dark chocolate, and red wine. The American Institute for Cancer Research states that no food in isolation can effectively lower cancer risk. So the best advice is to eat a variety of plant foods daily—including those on this list—to ensure the most protection against cancer. - See more at: http://www.chopra.com/ccl/7-best-cancer-fighting-foods?utm_content=CCL%20Newsletter%20141008&utm_campaign=October&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=email#sthash.RYmwd2rW.dpuf

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Take control of your health. Three decades ago, the food available was mostly fresh and grown locally. Today, the majority of foods consumed are highly processed; high in sugar and low in healthful fat. During that same time, obesity rates have skyrocketed, and one in five American deaths are now associated with obesity. The average American now gets about 350 calories a day (equivalent to about 22 teaspoons of sugar and 25 percent of their daily calories) from added sugar. Those who consume 21 percent or more of their daily calories in the form of sugar are TWICE as likely to die from heart disease compared to those who get seven percent or less or their daily calories from added sugar. Conventional nutritional guidelines have also called for dramatically decreasing the overall amount of fat in your diet, and this fat aversion is yet another driving factor of metabolic disease and chronic ill health. Recent studies conducted at some leading research institutions indicates that sugar as the primary dietary factor driving cronic disease development. Sugar and fructose, in particular, has been the culprit in development of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Understand that excessive sugar/fructose consumption leads to insulin resistance, the root cause of some if not most cronic disease.Healthy fat like animal fat, cocconut oil etc helps body absorb important vitamins like vitamine A, D and E, especially for infant and toddlers for proper growth and development. Whereas, hydrogeneted oil creates incridebly harmful tras fat. Our diet concious population consumes far too little healthy fat and much too high sugar, the combination of too much sugar/fructose and too little healthy fat is driving cronic disease rate through the roof.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Use celery for high blood pressure. It works!

Celery juice contains the compound 3-n-butylphtalide, or phthalide, which contributes to the vegetable’s taste and aroma. As a chemical affecting the body, phthalide helps relax the smooth muscles in the walls of the blood vessels, according to High Blood Pressure Info. Blood pressure decreases as the blood vessels dilate and allow blood to flow easier and more freely(2).
Celery Juice for high blood pressure Recommendations
Using the recommended Oriental dosages to lower mild cases of high blood pressure, one would eat about four ounces of celery (about a cup of chopped celery) daily. You should begin to see results after only a week or two.  Juicing 2 stalks of celery per day would also achieve the same results.

Blood Pressure Lowering Juice

- 2 Stalks of Celery
- 1/2 beet
- 2 Carrots
- 1/2 green apple
- lemon
Juice all ingredients and enjoy

Some of the health benefits of celery juice:
Acidity: The important minerals in this magical juice effectively balance the body’s blood pH, neutralizing acidity.
Athletes: Celery juice acts as the perfect post-workout tonic as it replaces lost electrolytes and rehydrates the body with its rich minerals.
Cancer: Celery is known to contain at least eight families of anti-cancer compounds. Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic acids which block the action of prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor cells. And coumarins which help prevent free radicals from damaging cells.
Cholesterol: This humble pale juice has been shown to effectively and significantly lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Colon and stomach cancer: The phytochemical coumarins prevent the formation and development of the colon and stomach cancers.
Constipation: The natural laxative effect of celery helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by man-made laxatives.
Diuretic: The potassium and sodium in celery juice helps to regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, making it an important help to rid the body of excess fluid.
Inflammation: The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.
Kidney function: Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of toxins from the body. While eliminating toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones.
Lower blood pressure: Drinking celery juice every day for a week significantly helps lower blood pressure. A compound called phtalides help relax the muscle around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow normally. To be effective, drink the juice for one week, stop for three weeks, and start over.
Nervous system: The organic alkaline minerals in celery juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it a wonderful drink for insomniacs.
Weight loss: Drink celery juice frequently throughout the day. It helps curb your cravings for sweets and rich food.
Urinary stones, breaking of: The diuretic effect of celery juice also aids the breaking and elimination of urinary and gall bladder stones(1)
Reducing Stress Hormones: Phthalide also helps decrease the production of catecholamines, according to research by clinical pharmacologist William J. Elliot and medical student Quang T. Le, documented at High Blood Pressure Info. Catecholamines are the fight-or-flight hormones that the adrenal glands produce in events of stress. They can contribute to high blood pressure.
Stress hormones such as catecholamines can tighten blood vessels and restrict the free flow of blood, increasing the amount of pressure necessary for the heart to pump blood throughout the body. Phthalide blocks the action of tyrosine hydroxylase enzymes that produce stress hormones and contribute to high blood pressure, according to High Blood Pressure Info.

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

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